Regan Reilly, the central charater is a private investigator in California and is home to attend the crime convention conducted by her mom. One of her friends, Thomas, the manager of Settler's Club calls to inform her about a death that loked like a normal death but may have been a murder. The death of Nat, the jeweller seemed to be like a murder since the diamonds worth 4 million dollars had been missing and he was found in a bathtub that he never used. The pace is fine but doesn't still set the heart racing. There was no conlcusion as to whether Nat was killed and if he was killed who was the murderer was left open-ended. The diamonds were found since I guess they had to be to end the story.
Fleeced by Carol Higgins Clark was one of her disapoointing works. She has been one of my favourite writers but this time around clearly "Fleeced" fails to make its mark. The pace of the book or the writing fails to leave you at the dge of your chair. The lesser I write, the better! Did not even deserve a mention. All in all, a disapoointment or her fans.
Rating: 2 star.
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