Joyce, a 33 year old, has a miscarriage with a revelation of a loveless marriage, resulting into a complete breakdown of her 10 year old marriage. Due to severe loss of blood, Joyce is given blood from a general blood bank that leaves her completely changed as a person. Her tastes, likes, dislikes had ceased to be her own and suddenly she was speaking about art, architecture and foreign languages as if she were a connoiseur. She keeps bumping into Justin, the blood donor. Both are not aware that he is the donor of the blood which is why she was having identical tastes, interests and even memories. A series of stalking incidents bring Joyce the knowledge about the donor being Justin. The plot ultimately ends with Justin wooing Joyce after a series of issues including even assuming Joyce is mad.
Cecelia Ahern, author of 'P.S. I Love You', fails to make an impact like her first bestseller. Predictable plot, repetitive characters but charged with an emotional writing that albeit does not leave you in tears like P.S. I Love You. The plot is so surreal that it makes you even want to reconsider before donating or getting blood. Cecelia had created magic in her previous book but the same touch was slightly missing in this one. A good read for a rainy day although doesn't really make you feel fuzzy or feel like cozying up to someone special.
Overall rating: 3 star
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